Black bears are not aggressive and are enjoyable to watch from a safe distance.
A safe distance is 50 yards or more according to the GSM National Park guidelines.

Bears & More...

Some of our guests have had the opportunity to see black bears in our neighborhood. In this May 2015 video taken at Highview Retreat, a bear approaches a guest's minivan... which still had the doors open! The family had just arrived at the cabin and their van contained lots of groceries they brought for their stay. The bear was finally convinced to go elsewhere to look for food.
Watch this video to see why we say...
Always lock your car!
Never leave food or beverage in your car!
Video was taken on 7/30/18 by the Jefferson County, Colorado Sheriff's Dept.
Yes, bears can open car doors!
In this June 2018 video, a clever bear breaks into a vehicle in Old Forge, New York. This is why we tell our guests to lock their vehicles AND to never leave food or drink in the car.

It's no surprise that black bears are the most famous residents of the Smoky Mountains. Besides the national park, it's also possible to see bears near our cabins in Sherwood Forest. Check out our videos page to see some bears at our Highview Retreat cabin. Other animals found in various areas of the Smokies include deer, elk, raccoons, foxes, coyotes, bobcats, wild boar, turkeys, woodchucks, and river otters. One of the best places to view wildlife is Cades Cove in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.